WordPress Website Cost – How to Calculate?

When building a website, one of the most important factors to consider is the cost. WordPress began as a simple blogging platform but became widely popular because of its affordability.

Many business websites these days are driven by WordPress platforms. This makes sense to use WordPress for website designing. It provides a plethora of tools and plugins that you can use for website optimization.  Creating a WordPress website from the ground is possible as it requires no coding knowledge. 

Now the question of how much the custom WordPress development costs occur.

While WordPress is absolutely free, the cost of a website is determined by the required features.

So, let's talk about the various requirements and prices that go into creating a WordPress site.

What Do You Need to Build a WordPress Website?

Of course, WordPress is a free platform. Is it, however, sufficient to achieve the website design objectives? A responsive website necessitates additional resources. And these features come with added pricing.

1. Domain Name

Domain Name - cost of wodpress website

The first thing to think about is registering a domain name. It's a web address or URL that will represent your company. You can buy tons of domain names from several sources, but GoDaddy is the most cost-effective of them all. A domain name might cost anything between $10 and $30 per year. However, prices may differ from one provider to the other.

WordPress also offers free domain names. But it is highly recommended not to go with these free options.

Creating the domain name on its own lends business credibility and uniqueness. 

WordPress also provides domain names for free. However, it is highly recommended not to go with these free options.

Creating a domain name on your own provides credibility and uniqueness to a firm.

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2. Web Hosting 

Deciding on the right web hosting is crucial while creating a WordPress website. 

When you sign up for a web hosting plan, you are holding a place on the internet. This is because if you don't have a hosting plan, you won't have a website.

You can utilize Website Builder, pay a monthly charge, or get an all-in-one package including name and hosting.

When it comes to WordPress website hosting, Bluehost is the best alternative. It has a monthly cost plan that starts at $2.95. If your website's traffic grows, though, you have various more options, such as WP Pro, to select from. It offers plans starting at $19.95 per month.

If you want to design an eCommerce website on a WordPress platform, install the WooCommerce plugin. The best thing is Bluehost covers this plugin just starting from $6.95 per month. 

3. WordPress.org or WordPress.Com

Both WordPress.org and WordPress.com are distinctive. You might think that both are the same but differ in services. 

So, if the domain name and hosting cost do not matter to you, you can choose WordPress.com. However, remember that it does not provide any free plugins or themes. 

4. WordPress Themes 

Themes are essential regardless of whether you are designing any blog site or eCommerce site. WordPress comes with tons of attractive themes. All you need is to pick the ideal one. 

Here, the best theme is that fits the required look and purpose. Setting a budget for website designing is just as vital as choosing a decent theme. WordPress themes are available in a variety of price limits, ranging from free to premium. If the themes are too expensive for you, you may always go with the free ones.

WordPress Theme Resitory
WordPress Theme Repository

Mostly the multipurpose theme ranges around $50. When compared to free ones, these themes offer better customization options. These themes also function well with plugins, giving you the ability to customize your specialized website. This is average pricing that allows you to estimate the amount of money you'll need.

The Deep theme, Astra, and OceanWP are just a few of the excellent themes available.

5. Pricing for WordPress Plugins

Plugins are something you need to add after all of these considerations. Plugins, also known as extensions, are available in both free and premium versions. Premium ones might cost anywhere from $10 to $200. Integrating free plugins are best to keep your startup costs down.

If you decide that a free plugin is the best, you can upgrade it. You must also evaluate the website's functionality needs before deciding between free and premium plugins.

WordPress Plugins
WordPress Plugins

For a website to function effectively, the right plugins are necessary. Furthermore, the correct backend plugins boost the site's efficiency, appearance, and functionality.

Although plugins vary according to niche and budget requirements, there are a few plugins that every business should consider. Some unavoidable considerations include SEO, data backup, social sharing, and website loading speed.

Furthermore, advanced plugins may charge an annual fee of $100 on average. However, you should only use premium plugins once your site has started to repay. Or you can consult a WordPress plugin developer to get more information about the pricing.

Also Read: How to Create a Live Commodity Price Website in WordPress?

6. SSL Security Certificate Pricing

Installing an SSL certificate on your WordPress site is essential, especially if your site receives a lot of traffic. The truth is that users prefer not to visit insecure websites. As a result, such security increases the site's trustworthiness and validity, offering visitors peace of mind.

Depending on the plan, SSL security might cost anywhere from $9 to $29.88. If you're joining up for the first time with a provider, you may be eligible for free or discounted services.

7. Cost of Hiring a Developer 

Cost of hiring developers

To build the WordPress website, you may wish to engage an experienced developer. And the reasons for this can vary.

  • Limited time
  • Specific design requirements or advanced functionality that necessitates coding knowledge

Calculating the pricing of employing a developer can be difficult because it is based on the individual's requirements.  It could cost anything from $100 and $200 to get started with basic website development.

However, if something is complex or advanced changes are required, there will be an additional cost. You may have to spend more than $1000. The development needs in this pricing category may include adding functionalities that you can't manage yourself.

8. WordPress Website Maintenance Cost

The cost for WordPress website maintenance may depend on who is performing the maintenance. 

For instance, in-house maintenance pricing may cost from $0 to $25 every month. While hiring a freelancer for upkeeping a website can cost anything from $50 and $100. 

Additionally, you can employ a company to maintain your site can cost anywhere from $119 to $449 per month.

9. Cost for Content Development

You will need content for the website once you have designed the layout and acquired all of the plugins and functionalities you desire. The price of developing website content varies depending on the project or hours required:

  • The minimum charge per project includes $250 to $500. 
  • The cost of creating content per hour might range from $50 to $80.
  • Logo design might cost anything from $100 to $1500, depending on the branding requirements.

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Final Thoughts

A reliable WordPress website necessitates the purchase of a domain name and web hosting. And cost calculation is dependent on what other custom web development requirements there are.

Beginners can remain low-budget; all the premium choices are not necessary at the start. 

Hence, while calculating the WordPress website cost, consider your requirements first. Determine your target audience, the amount of traffic you want to generate, and how you'll stay at the top of the search engine results page. All these aspects will better help you in assessing the exact cost.

WordSuccor offers WordPress development services that include all of the features and functionalities you require. Other services will be provided, such as SEO, content generation, responsive website design, and more. Overall, WordSuccor's professionals assist in developing a functional business website while keeping costs to a minimum. Overall, we will take care of all of your website development concerns, from design to maintenance.