Speakable Schema Markup: Make Your WordPress Website Speak

The future demands voice searches.   Considering this, Google has launched a new schema that will present the website's information in audio form.  Speakable Schema Markup- a name that takes digital technology to a different leap. 

Astonishingly, Google's speakable schema is useful when the users ask about particular news and topics. And the revert would be read by Google Assistant in the form of speakable text. 

Moreover, it allows the businesses to pick only the important information, highlight that content and give them a better understanding of their target audience.  Currently, the speakable scheme is in beta version and only news publishers can use it. 

Speakable Schema- Defined?

The objective of this schema is to find out web page sections of the article which are suitable for audio playback with Text to Speech (TTS). 

The inclusion of tags makes search engines discover. However, it also checks content on devices, that are Google Assistant through TTS support.   The speakable structured data on the web pages let  Google Assistant distribute the content on different channels.

Here, the intention behind this is to make you familiarized with the steps of adding a Speakable Schema to the WordPress website.  Let's check them out below:

Guidelines when implementing Speakable Schema Markup

  • Do not include speakable data in the content that seems confusing in voice-forward or voice-only situations, such as, source attributions, photo captions, and datelines, etc. 
  • Instead of highlighting the overall article with speakable data, emphasize major points. Hence, it enables the listeners to have an idea of the story and not possess the TTS readout cutoff essential details.
  • The content mentioned by Speakable Structured data should include summaries or headlines that give users useful and comprehensible information.
  • When the speakable structured data includes the top of the story.  Then, it is advisable to re-write it to categorize the data into individual sentences to read it sharply for TTS. 
  • For a better user experience, it is recommended to include 20 to 30 seconds of content in every section of speakable schema markup data or not more than three sentences.

Setting up Speakable Schema into WordPress website

Below are the steps for setting the Speakable Structured SChema to the WordPress website. Check them out:

Navigate to WordPress dashboard-> Structured Data-> Schema Types->Click on Add Schema Type.

go to structured data & add schema type
  • In this step, you have to choose Article Schema and choose the "Speakable" option, as shown in the figure below.
Choose Speakable schema
  • This step allows you to fix the conditions of a particular post or the posts where you like to show How to type.
set the placement
  • After choosing the placement, click Next, congratulations! You have set the schema flag successfully. 
schema added successfully

Step 5: On the post, you want to set the "speakable" mode, you have to choose the post. 

The meta box will appear in this post. And, you have to choose the "Modify Current Schema" option. 

modify current schema

Step 6:  Then, you have to check the "speakable" option. When this information is entered, the speakable schema will develop on the browser.

enter speakable schema information

Include the JSON schema from the source code, as shown in the following figure.

speakable schema source code

Working of Google Speakable Schema Markup

Same as the conventional ways to rank the website, voice search optimization needs you to use the important information SEO campaign fragments with WordPress SEO services.

That is, the campaign material section could be used for voice search. With the assistance of schema, Google's Algorithm can find the significance of the selected content fragment in a particular niche and assists in ranking in SERP.

Related content discovered by Google, Google Home, and Microsoft Cortana, simplifies the details and discover a technique to read it back to your site’s target audience. Also, the process Google extracts information is dependent on its complex algorithms. However, news publishers are individually liable for choosing the text fragments they like Google to display.

The search engine will find the significance of the information and its relationship to the user’s voice search query before publishing. 

Although, the technology is still revolutionizing, news publishers can choose to provide the most definitive answer to every Internet user's query.

Lately, speakable schema markup remains the compelling method to get details regarding current news or recent events. Many points could be considered for content optimization holding speakable schema. These specifications are rules that meet current and possible future query needs.

  • The topic must centralize the storyline and subject with appropriate and coherent writing. 
  • The publication details should be perfect in every aspect and must remain factual.
  • The text must not include campaigns. 
  • Content must not include resentment speech or rude words aimed towards some person or entity. 
  • The news must have authors' details such as publication data and contact details. 

The speakable content can be used by companies that produce content but is restricted to news publications, currently. The above-mentioned points are only some particulars for the new Google schema ensuring every piece of information meets the industry standards. 

How Speakable Websites Affect SEO?

The technology industry proceeds to shape itself through innovation, such as Google’s SEO features, to adapt to current and future needs.

The growth of voice-enabled search affects the field of search engine optimization, letting enterprises have higher requirements for improving website performance. Speakable is yet in the testing stage and has no influence on website SEO performance. 

However as the industry accommodates voice search, we can recognize that speakability is leading in voice assistant tool rankings. Therefore, what can be said will have a huge impact on how we use and internet and search for information.

This dilemma will also become an extra burden on companies as they begin to think about serving best to customers.

Many companies will refine their website content, therefore it chooses the voice-friendly features of Google.  It needs to reorganize current content and change its market choices for including devices and gadgets that are voice search supportive.

Concluding Remarks

Hopefully, this article has helped you to gain appropriate knowledge regarding the Speakable website. You can also take assistance from a leading WordPress website development Company. The professional will make you understand the Speakable schema and implement it on your website. 

If you have any queries or feedback, then, share with us in the comment section below.  We are here to help! Thanks for reading!