WordPress vs Kentico CMS – What are the Differences? 

Creating a business website demands a lot of hard work!! Being on the horizon on website creation, you might have come across many Content Management Systems (CMS).  And, the choice of securing the best one is very tough!! The CMS is generally an application whose sole purpose is to manage your website seamlessly.  The user can create dynamic web pages rather than creating the traditional static html web pages with coding.   Precisely, it allows you to make, edit and publish your web pages on the website. The best part is that you do not need to be expertise in HTML and CSS. So, we can say that the best content management system that allows you to modify the web pages in the website without even affecting its ranking. Moreover, the CMS encompasses the plug-ins that are known to enhance the website's creativity. Even if you have a multinational organization that demands a complex management website, content writer, blogger, the CMS is a worthy addition.  You can easily manage, organize, and examine and market all of your content.  So, to make it convenient to choose the best CMS, we are here giving you the two options- WordPress and Kentico. Both of these CMS are known for building user-friendly, customizable, flexible, responsive and fully-functional websites.  In this write-up, we are comparing WordPress and Kentico CMS so that you can simplify which one to use. Let’s get started!!

Market Analysis of WordPress and Kentico

As shown in the below graph, almost 63.2% of the websites are created with WordPress. This implies 35.8% of websites have chosen WordPress.  usage of wordpress stats Source: w3techs.com To date, it came across many 5 versions, the recent one is Version 5 which is used by 75.4% of all the websites. Even before, version 4 was used by 23.04%,  version 3 was used by 1.4%, version 2 was used by 0.2%, and version 1 was used by 0.1%,   version of wordrpress stats And, the Kentico CMS is used by only 0.1% of all the websites. It is depicted in the below graph with the market share trends and content management usage. Usage of Kentico As compared to WordPress, Kentico has 12 versions, and to know,  Version 8 is used by 17.2 of all the websites. Version of Kentico The below graph shows the market share of Kentico and WordPress. We can see that Kentico is used by only a few websites where WordPress is used by many websites.  That implies that WordPress is leading in terms of popularity and traffic than Kentico. market share of CMS

Outline of WordPress and Kentico CMS

WordPress is now a Content management system, but, in its initial stages, it was only the blogging platform.  It is a fully-featured CMS that amalgamates a large number of themes, plugins, and widgets in its pocket. To be a WordPress blogging user, you need to have an email address to get your own WordPress.com address. WordPress allows you to download and install the required software script and to make a website or blog merely in some minutes.   The next required thing is the web host to match the minimum requirements. Here, you can also get a WordPress service, known as WordPress.com to create your own blog for free. Furthermore,  it does not require you to be technical expertise or professional, there is no need for FTP software or HTML editing. WordPress is a self-maintaining and self-contained system. It provides you the fully-customizable designs and ready-to-build blogs.  We can say that WordPress has gained immense popularity and has become one of the leading platforms to date. Kentico is the one CMS platform that has integrated eCommerce and ASP.Net and additional online marketing solutions.  As the provider of CMS, it enables customers to make the best website and then, optimize them all on every other channel.  From the different outstanding features and unbelievable customization level, the users can use it perfectly with their business vision and boost creativity as well.   To be precise, Kentico is the one single CMS that is making every possible.

Comparison of WordPress and Kentico CMS

#1. Performance

WordPress maintains the website speed and optimization. Most utilization of plugins, integrations, images and some other heavy data does not hamper the website performance. Kentico, on the other hand, enables the user to create a robust website that can be optimized on every device.  It has many things in its pocket- configurations, suggestions and setting on how the website performance can be optimized. 

#2. Usability

Undoubtedly, WordPress is a customer-oriented and user-friendly Content management platform.  It allows the users to create and manage the content, easily administer the web pages and control all of the website functions.   There is no debate that WordPress is an easily accessible and easily understandable platform. Anyone with little or no knowledge can understand WordPress.  Whereas, Kentico is the easy to use and flexible Content management system.  Unlike WordPress, in some cases, it demands you to be technical -friendly. Even though, without any programming, you can make the tabs, menu items, and custom buttons.

#3. Expertise

When it is about WordPress, you do not need to be technical expertise to create the basic WordPress website.  It does not take more minutes to start your WordPress website, but the situation differs when there is a demand to make a high-performance WordPress website.  But, Kentico does demand technical knowledge and expertise in ASP.Net.  Most of those who are not familiar with the programming language do not prefer to use Kentico and adopt some other CMS  like WordPress to make a website.

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#4. Security Protection

If you want to integrate the forms on the website for the visitors, then, beware, you can get spammed. Most of the boats look for unsafe or weak web pages to mark as spam. Even, they can leverage the web form to spam visitors and users. So, your website should be fully-protected to save itself from any data breach. When it is about WordPress, then, we know that it is fully-customizable. It has many plugins that protect your WordPress website from any spam and you can, therefore, create a form. But, you need to assure that your plugins are updated so that they fulfill all technological advancements. We recommend you to experience the paid plugins for more safety. Kentico CMS has a visual form builder. It has its own protective layer that comes with the right license. Other than executing the general stuff for the developers, such as, further sanitizing input and escaping characters, the form builder has Google Recaptcha in its pocket.

#5. Pricing

WordPress is more economical than Kentico.  It is an open-source and free content management system. Check out its pricing table below:  In  the free plan, WordPress offers: 
  • Basic design customization
  • 3GB storage space
  • free themes
  • Community support
  • WordPress.com subdomain
  • Jetpack essential features
For the $4/monthly package (Personal), WordPress offers: 
  •  6 GB storage space
  • Customer domain name
  • All features of free plan
  • Remove WordPress.com Ads
  • Live Chat & Email Support
For the $8/monthly package (Premium), WordPress offers: 
  • All features of Personal plan
  • 13GB storage space
  • Advanced design customization
  • Unlimited premium themes
  • Video press support
  • Monetize the website
For the $25/monthly package (Business), WordPress offers: 
  • All features of the Premium plan
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Unlimited Storage Speed
  • Install plugins
  • Remove WordPress.com 
  • Branding SEO tools 
  • Upload themes
Because Kentico is not an open-source CMS,  so it is paid. Check out its pricing table below: For one website license
  • Single website-single main domain and aliases
  • Maintenance of 1 year- technical support and free upgrades
  • CMS Base -$4,499
  • CMS Ultimate -$9,999
  • EMS- $19,999
For one website license with Source code
  • CMS Ultimate- $19,999
  • EMS-$29,999
One more Server in a web farm with Single website
  • CMS Ultimate - $2.999
1 Server license for ten websites
  • CMS Base -$16,999
  • CMS Ultimate -$29,999
  • EMS- $19,999
1 Server license for ten websites with Source Code
  • CMS Base -$39,999
  • EMS- $49,999
1 additional server in a  web farm for 10 website server license
  • CMS Ultimate -$9,999
  • EMS- $12,000
1 Server license for unlimited websites with source code
  • CMS Ultimate -$59,999
  • EMS- $79,999
1 additional server in a  web farm for an unlimited website server license
  • CMS Ultimate -$15,000
  • EMS- $21,000
Unlimited Server license
  • Free training
  • Source code
  • Premium Support
  • Full Kentico EMS edition  
Unlimited website on an unlimited number of servers
  • Unlimited Server license- $399, 000

#6. Payment Gateways

WordPress does not have any particular payment gateway, but it has several plugins that can do the same. eMerchantpay for WooCommerce, Fondy, 2CheckOut, WPPayForm, Authorize.net, Braintree,  PayPal Pro, Stripe, Stripe Free, PayKun, Mollie Payments, QuickPay, OpenPay, etc. are some of those.  Kentico has Authoroize.Net payment gateway that handles all of the payment gateways even buying the base license. 

#7. Features

Below is the list of features of WordPress
  • Built-in Comments
  • Search engine optimized
  • Multilingual
  • user management
  • Publishing tools
  • Full standards compliance
  • Extend with plugins
  • Built-in comments
  • Theme system
  • Custom content types
  • Application framework
Below is the list of features of Kentico
  • ASP.Net MVC support
  • Document management
  • Booking system
  • Media libraries
  • Multilingual content
  • Online forms
  • Multi-site management
  • Search engine optimization
  • Translation management
  • A/B testing
  • Integrated content management
  • Check out process
  • Social marketing
  • Web farm support
  • Web standards

#8. Third-party Apps and Systems

Find out below the WordPress third- party apps and systems
  • Bitium
  • Live Agent
  • Active Campaign
  • Constant Contact
  • Tapfiliate
  • LiveChat
  • Post-Affiliate Pro
  • Zendesk
  • Zapier
  • Zoho SalesIQ
Find out below the Kentico third-party apps and systems
  • MS Dynamics
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Sharepoint
  • Visual Studio
  • Ucommerce
  • Salesforce.Com
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Strand Recommender
  • Google Apps
  • Marketo

#8. Ranking

On the basis of ranking, WordPress is at the 3rd position out of 40 in web content management. Check out the below screenshot to know its Views, Reviews, Comparisons, Avg. Rating and Average Words per Review. wordpress ranking position Source: itcentralstation.com Whereas, Kentico is at 6th out of 40 in web content management. Check out the below screenshot to know its Views, Reviews, Comparisons, Avg. Rating and Average Words per Review. Ranking position of Kentico

#9. Complexity

If we consider the case of complexity, we know that it has been created as a blogging platform, particularly for freelancers and bloggers.  WordPress is not cached supportive, but it does not mean that its speeds get degraded or it is not optimized.   The plugin it accommodates is not highly functional and does not let the website optimization to hamper.  In the case of Kentico, you can handle complex websites easily.  It is an all-in-one solution that has unique tools that help ease the management of websites.  Kentico has the advanced Caching functionality that assures the website optimization and allows the website to load quicker. 

#10. Popularity

Last, but, not the least, the popularity- WordPress is the leading and highly popular Content Management system.  75 million+ websites are developed on WordPress and it has a market share of 65%. But, Kentico is not that popular comparatively.  Merely, 25000+ websites are developed on Kentico and it has a market share of 0.14.

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Wrapping Up

To conclude, we can say that WordPress and Kentico, both are excellent platforms.  On the one side, Kentico as the paid CMS is scalable for every business and holds integration with Salesforce and other Automations.  All these are enough to convert your business type into a valuable asset. And, on the other side, we have our best CMS.   WordPress has all that makes it the winner- it is a highly customized, user-friendly, flexible environment. You can create a website with 0% of technical knowledge.   Besides, you need to get the one that is according to your budget, goals, requirements, and technicalities, etc.  Go throw these platforms comprehensively to make your decision more apparent. Secure your decision and make the website of your dreams. Hopefully, our comparative analysis has made your mind with the best option.  Let us know your opinions in the comment section below. Thanks for reading!!