How to Speed Up your WordPress Website using a StackPath?

How is your website performing in terms of Speed? Is it fast enough?? Do you know that website Speed is the primary and essential factor for every business? Why? You should know that the visitors abandon the WordPress website that loads slowly. Hence, it disturbs their engagement, and they move to another website without even checking the services you are offering.  This aspect makes it essential that you should get a solution that can speed up your WordPress website. Therefore, keeping that point in mind, we have gathered some of the essentialities.

Critical Reasons to Speed Up the WordPress Website

  • The ranking is of utmost importance. And, search engines rank only those websites on top that have higher website loading speed. Google, as, one of the leading search engines, prefers to consider only that WordPress website that loads faster.  So, to increase your position in the SERPs, prioritize the website speed.
  • The recent studies have revealed that the website that is taking more than two seconds to load creates approximately 47% of the bounce rate.  Clearly, to engage at least half of your visitors, keep the WordPress website speed high is significant.
  • For online shoppers, engaging visitors is a tough job because they are more eager to buy. And, if your website is lagging at a higher speed then the visitors will move to another website.  So, it makes you lose them and results in a huge decline in the customer satisfaction rate. However, it is important to make improvements to Wordpress website performance to get profitable results.
Knowing the exact reason behind the limited website speed is a tough task for website administrators.  Undoubtedly, this technological era has several solutions that could be considered.  From all ways to speed up WordPress websites,  Content Delivery Network (CDN) works best. It is the one that increases your WordPress website performance and reduces the weight of your WordPress website.  It holds the capacity to deliver the static content to the visitors more quickly. At once, the webpage loading speed and user engagement can get a boost.

Get your website loading at its fastest for your valuable users

Role of Content Delivery Network (CDN) to Improve Website  Speed 

Understand CDN CDN is the immensely distributed platform of services to reduce the delays that occur in loading the WordPress website pages content by minimizing the physical distance among the users and the servers.  Saying that, this enables the users to check the high-quality data without slowing down the website speed is correct.  It permits the immediate transfer of the elements required for loading the internet content such as stylesheets,  HTML pages, videos, images, and the javascript, etc.  Several CDN providers are there that you can pick to improve the Wordpress website load time. And, StackPath, Amazon CloudFront, Cloudflare, Fastly, Akamai, Fastly, KeyCDN, etc. are a few of the best in the list of leading CDN providers. From all, StackPath is the robust CDN provider with full website integration. It not only makes your website load faster but also secures your WordPress website from any hacking. Let's have an in-depth analysis of why Stackpath is best for speeding up your WordPress website.  

Why StackPath?

Why StackPath ? MaxCDN was the leading CDN provider, particularly for WordPress users. StackPath has overtaken the MaxCDN in 2016 and encapsulated the MaxCDN services in its brand. Presently, they both are considered the same.   StackPath is a secure edge service platform that allows the developers to innovate, protect, and accelerate the cloud properties generally from the IoT services, media delivery to the websites.   From the exceptional global edge network infrastructure, it caters to the fully-secure,on-demand, and frictionless performance with the cloud-scale flexibility and control.  Astonishingly, StackPath can copy the WordPress website with 31 data centers by lessening the distance among the visitors and the server.  It, therefore, eradicates the load time with multiple seconds, particularly for those who are very distant from your original server.  The best part is that StackPath has several servers dispersed in many countries all around the sphere.  You can clear your cache, manage the locations, and check out the reports. Also, adding the SSL certifications and using the shared SSL certificate is also easy.  It is practiced to assure that the cached content is transferred to the secured website only.  There are many outstanding cache plugins that can boost the Wordpress website load time and work splendidly with the StackPath. From the blocking features and the load balancing, the StackPath secure your WordPress website from any security breach, especially from the DDoS attack. Also,  the plans incorporate the firewall to reduce the server load time. It has many user-centric, developer-friendly APIs and tools These enables the developer to combine their website or apps in the StackPath API and then, get tremendous benefits from the robust programming interface.

Achieve Faster Website Speeds with Stackpath, Contact us Now

StackPath Main Features 

  • Smart Caching the content from the user's proximate edge location, excrete caching in just a minute and finds out how long it will take to configure.
  • Huge network with almost 45 edge-locations universally. 
  • Layer 7 DDoS protection
  • Prevent bad bots and spams
  • Security from the OWASP prime ten security vulnerabilities
  • Free SSL
  • Real-time analysis and monitoring

Stack Path Implementation

StackPath Implementation

Step 1:

For implementation, first of all, you need to create an account. Sign up and fill up the details. Stackpath is not free.  It does offer one month trial period, after that, you need to choose the plan as per your budget and WordPress website requirement.

Step 2:

For configuring the StackPath, use the W3 Total Cache Plugin- a favorite among all plugins.  It incorporates the fully-equipped web optimization toolbox and full CDN support. Cache Plugin

Step 3:

Put your domain name and click Next.  Stackpath Wizard

Step 4: 

It scans the current DNS records and displays the list to you. After that, click Next.  Stackpath Wizard list Mostly, enhancement is required everywhere. Although,  here, you have an option to uncheck that you do not want to change.

Step 5:

Choose the source like the IP address and the webserver. If, there is any confusion regarding the IP address, then take assistance from the hosting provider. Create CDN site Next, the name server details need to be configured at the domain registrar, such as Namecheap and GoDaddy, etc. 

Step 6:

So, log in to the domain registrar and then update the name server from the StackPath. Also, if you are unsure about this, then ask the registrar.  Click on the StackPath then. Service Added This will navigate you to the overview page where you can check your website. Default Stack It infers that the website is on-the-board to StackPath. But, there are some of the important configurations that are also required for security and improvement.

Performance Settings

From the Settings tab, the configuration of the cache, compression level, and more improvements can be done.
  • Lifetime - Is controlling the file cache expiry required? If it is not, then changing the setting to the CDN level.
  • Gzip compression - Turn it ON. You can set the compression level from 4 to 6.
  • Content Availability - Turn it ON. It is required so that the StackPath displays the cache version whenever request or when the webserver is offline.
  • Browser cache TTL - Support the browser caching to have more duration.
  • HTTP/2 support - Turn it ON.

Boost your website Performance today

Secure the Website with HTTPS

Make your website with HTTPs. It is declared by Google that HTTPs will also be one of the search engine ranking factors. Therefore, securing the website with HTTPs is mandatory. Above all, it does not want you to pay for the SSL certificate. It is free!!
  • Choose the website from CDN tab-> Edge SSL
  • Get the free SSL certificate
It hardly takes some minutes. After EdgeSSL Certificate, you will find the website in the active mode. Then, every request will be delivered to HTTPs.  Navigate to EdgeRules and turnON the connections of Force HTTPs. The WordPress website is now accessible to HTTPs.  

Integration Testing

Look whether StackPath CDN enabled is easy.
  • Clear the browser cache, or you can use the Incognito or Private Window
  • Open the website
  • Right-click anywhere on the page
  • Check the source code
  • Verify the source code for the edge address

Test the Speed after Enabling the StackPath CDN

Now, you should perform different speed tests with the Pingdom Tools and Google Page Speed.  Then, compare the results (before and after). It might take some days; around seven data to show the website improvements of StackPath CDN.   

Get result oriented wordpress speed optimization service Now


There is no other (better) solution than StackPath that can make your WordPress website load faster and secure at the same time. Also, you can also go with its one-month trial period to know how the performance is improving. If you still need help, then contact us!!  We will give you 24X7 support for any of the related queries. Click on the chat bubble at the right-hand side at the bottom of the page. We will assure you a secure and faster experience with StackPath CDN.