Give Holiday Cheer to Your WordPress Website With 5 Essential Tips

The holiday season is just over the horizon. It is natural to anticipate the holidays spirit already.  The season is a messenger to all play, no work attitude. It is all about baking cakes, gifting presents, and celebrations. Most of us love to utilize this time by taking off from the hustle-bustle of our life by enjoying and relaxing to the fullest. 

However, this season can give your exceptional business advantages and can result in the perfect time to generate revenue. You should always be ready to give the best experience to the shoppers.  Consequently, it is the best time to engage the audience from your WordPress website.  So, why not to grasp the opportunity that can give your business the new heights.

You need to understand that if your website is not ready and optimized for the holiday season, then surely you can lose a lot of traffic.   And, there is no other platform than WordPress that can be customized easily according to your requirements. Additionally, it has the capability to make your WordPress website brace up for the holiday season.

If you are not sure about how to give holiday cheer to your WordPress website, then you are on the right page. We are here to give you a gift to higher sales and increase the traffic to make your site ready for the holiday season.

Follow the Tips to Make your WP Website Ready this Holiday Season

1. Understand your Audience

Understand your website audience

The audience is the main target, and we all know that. But, if you will not understand them then how you can make them engage. Therefore, it is vital to know the audience before the holidays peak begins. Certainly, to get more this holiday season, you should apprehend your customers and the target market. 

The best method is to know - how they spend their day. If you will identify their habits, preferences, like/dislikes, then you make them sustain to your WordPress website.


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2. Thematic Enhancement

Here, our concern lies not in building a new website, but to enhance the existing one for the holidays. Never do this when the holidays are approaching. Instead, proceed with what you have and make that work for you.

Some of the best methods to optimize the website are given below. Have a look:

2.1) Make a Holiday-Themed Design

Make a Holiday-Themed Design for your website

It is the best method that you can go with. Following this appealing way, you can attract more audience to your WordPress site. And, it gives them the reasons to buy from you. By proving that your website is built for a holiday, they will get the notion that you are considering it sincerely.  And will great worth to their money. 

2.2) Include Holiday-Themed Deals

Include Holiday-Themed Deals

We have made it clear above that whatever you will perform should be according to the customers’ or audience requirements.  And, should be worth their time and money. Play smart. Offering them the deals that they can get from somewhere else is not going to work.

Though, what benefit is to show your strengths and prove to them how much you value your business. For instance, if your rivals are selling the branding clothes, think beyond and offer your customers personalized clothes. 

Also, you can provide them with discounts and some goodies to influence them to purchase from you.  And, you can make an interesting exit-intent pop-up to lessen the abandoned audience. So, what are you waiting for? Use this approach and boost your conversions during this holiday season.

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3. Make your Home Page a feel of Holidays

Make your Home Page a feel of Holidays

If you will use the regular homepage than it is not going to appeal to the audience. Decorate it for the holidays and incite the shoppers. Polish it and add the holiday’s spirit by adding some holiday cheer, festive colors, and fonts. 

Some related images can be integrated to make shoppers know you have the best holiday’s deals. Use Call to Action (CTA) and emphasize more on holiday products and deals. Eradicate all the redundant links that can amuse the audience from your promotions. Integrating the holiday delight to your WordPress website and raise sales. 

4. Integrate a Countdown

Integrate a Countdown

The best FOMO method so far is the clock. It assures the users that their tasks can get completed in the proper time frame. So, here, the productive thing is to add the countdown to your webpage. 

You can go with the countdown widget plugin. It showcases how many days are left for the offer to get closed. Otherwise, you can integrate the standard clock countdown that manages all your requirements as well. It shows how long you have left until your last second. 

5. Create Festive Content

With the festival vibe that you will give to a website, it is also essential to deliver some effective message. That is, to add the festive content to your WordPress site. 

5.1) Create Festive Blogs

Create Festive Blogs

Surely, visitors want to know more about you. And, sharing the holidays stories are surely going to work for you. If you are regular in this writing blog, then it will be a simple task for you. 

You know that the blog is all about the opinions you have and the experiences you had. It is advised to integrate only the productive blogs; visitors are not going to read the filthy articles. 

5.2) Offer Gifts

Offer Gifts

Several online stores rely mostly on the holiday season to make money, and online stores are not an exception. The best deal that these store practices are to offer free gifts or discounts to their customers. For instance, you can go with free shipping, free gift wrapping, and other goodies. It is always the best deal if you can do more business.

5.3) Write a Festive Content on Twitter

Social media plays a critical role in our lives. Go with it and brighten your holiday’s spirit. The thing that you can adopt is to run a contest on the social media platform of your preference. And, there is no better time than the holiday season. You can add the pictures of your visitors who purchased from you on your blogs. The reviews also play an important role. They gain trust and insist the visitors buy from you.

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Wrapping Up

If you want to gain success in the short-term, then prepare your site for this holiday season. The points we have mentioned above show that there are several ways following which you can boost your business value. With these points in mind, you can smoothly sail this holidays season.

Gear up, offer the best experience to your visitors and observe your engagement metric grow. By knowing that your web presence is completely safe, you can spend your quality time with family and friends.

Since this is our point of view, do not stop yourself from experimenting with other innovative ideas that you might have. So, in this holiday, billow the ball, make joy, participation, and conversion better!

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