WordPress Trends In 2018 [Amazing List Of 7+ Trends To Follow]

WordPress is by far the best Content Management System that has ever ventured into the digital realm. So, if you have any intentions to start your business website with WordPress in 2018, you need to know all about the WordPress trends in 2018. In this post, you will get to know about the trends that will change the use of WordPress in 2018. I have more than 8 trends to follow up on. So, that is exactly what you are going to know about in this post. Without further ado let’s get you started,

WordPress 5.0 Soon To Be Unleashed!

WordPress 5.0 Soon To Be Unleashed! There are speculations by WordPress enthusiasts that in the mid of the year 2018, WordPress will introduce their new update that will turn the world of WordPress upside down. The Matt Mullenweg and his team in Automattic work so hard to provide the best-featured content management system that benchmark the dominance. In these 15 years, WordPress developed to be a full-scale web development console from a content management system. According to the WordPress official page, WordPress 5.0 will be soon updated in July 2018 approx. The update is expected to bring a new editor with various security updates. This update is crucial because this will decide the further future of WordPress. So, you must keep an eye on it.

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Virtual Reality Will Be The New Approach

Virtual Reality Will Be The New Approach Virtual reality is slowly emerging in the mainstream. You must have seen ample of VR gadgets and devices being introduced in the market voraciously. People tend to like this approach. It is a matter of fact that WordPress already support the Virtual Reality concept on their website. VR devices like Oculus Rift and Google Cardboard are being supported by WordPress. However, we are still to see a full packed WordPress theme based on VR. I believe the time is very near now. In 2018, you can expect to see WordPress themes that will have inbuilt features to support VR-based devices. Right now, there are plugins through which you can optimize your website for VR devices. The distant future is not so distant now.

Particle Background Featuring WordPress Themes

Particle Background Featuring WordPress Themes When we talk about particle backgrounds, they tend to be highly interactive. The trend of video backgrounds in the hero layout of the WordPress website is very common nowadays. However, there is one problem they always pose. It is the resolution problem. The videos are slow to load and can increase your page load time. That can drastically increase your bounce rate which will have a negative effect. Google’s recent Rankbrain update then will make sure that your website wouldn’t be placed on the first page of the SERPs. Attract your viewers with particle background without affecting the positive effect of your website.

Video Headers Will Attract Your Users

Video Headers Will Attract Your Users As I stated above, usage of videos in the hero layout that is the header of your website has increased. People love websites that have an interesting story. Storytelling is very trending in website copywriting. Video headers add value to this cause. They keep users on your website for longer durations and deemed to increase the UX. There are many WordPress themes that support video headers. You can expect more to come in 2018.

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E-commerce Experience Will Be Enhanced

E-commerce websites need to be highly engaging and attractive as well. User Experience will enhance with the introduction of the new updates. Woocommerce is WordPress’s most prized possession in E-commerce business right now. You can say that most of the E-commerce websites use Woocommerce plugin on their WordPress websites. With further more updates to come in 2018, the list of features will increase. This will ease the user and enhance the UX. Also, newer mode of payments will introduce sooner. With the introduction of newer WordPress themes, you can add mobile shopping, personalized shopping, and subscription-based services to entice your users.

Drag & Drop Will Shift To Dynamic

Drag & Drop Will Shift To Dynamic Drag and drop word was coined by WordPress and they are still proving to be the best in the category they once created. In 2018, the drag and drop WordPress theme will go being beyond static. They will switch to dynamic mode. In the current time, there are many WordPress themes that are moving towards being dynamic. That time will not be far when every WordPress theme will be dynamic in functions and visuals. These dynamic themes will ease the non-coder users and WordPress is already motivated enough to give out more functions for them. Dynamic Drag and Drop themes are one of them.

Microinteractions Will Make Better UX

Gutenberg Will Change The Level Of Publishing Remember that emoticon on Facebook which can commute your reaction to a post? Obviously, we use it frequently. These Microinteractions helps a user to show his reactions. They are the staple of social media platforms. WordPress developers know the fact that people love these kinds of interactions. It is an already emerging web design trend in 2018. WordPress already has many plugins that will help you to make these micro-interactions come in handy to increase the UX. There are more to come with better quality micro interactions in 2018.

Gutenberg Will Change The Level Of Publishing

Gutenberg Will Change The Level Of Publishing There were a lot of gossips going around surrounding Gutenberg The next level editor. Some are saying it will enhance the WordPress publication process while others believe that it is just a failed upgrade. You shouldn’t dwell on this debate. There are loads of opportunities which will make WordPress an effective editor. WordPress is planning to introduce Gutenberg as a default feature in WordPress 5.0. Right now it is available as a separate plugin in beta version. In a nutshell, there are loads of hopes for this new editor. I hope that it will be a game changer.

Concluding Remarks

So, these are the trends that will make WordPress rule the command of web development and design. As a responsible WordPress web development company, we always keep eye on the trends and work accordingly to cater best to our clients. Share this article and spread these new trends. Let’s appreciate Matt Mullenweg and his team for such ironic efforts. Have a nice day until next time!

Are you making the most of your WordPress website? The WordPress web designers at WordSuccor are committed to keeping up with the latest updates and trends. Contact our WordPress experts at WordSuccor at +1-209-386-9543 or schedule a free consultation.>

https://looks-awesome.com/leading-wordpress-trends-2018 https://weblizar.com/blog/top-wordpress-trends-to-be-followed-in-2018/ https://www.theme-junkie.com/wordpress-trends-look-2018/ https://www.theedesign.com/blog/2017/wordpress-trends-2018 https://torquemag.io/2017/12/wordpress-web-design-trends-2018/ https://www.houstonwebdesignagency.com/blog/wordpress-trends-2018 https://www.veepal.com/blog/7-wordpress-trends-that-will-dominate-2018